Rakhine State: Lawkamanaung Pagoda AD 1658

lawkamanaung pagoda
The pagoda is one mile away from the west of the palace site and it stands on the flat land near Kyaukyit stream. The pagoda was built by king San Da Thu Dam Ma in AD 1658. The pagoda was named as Lawkamanaung intending that Buddha liberated from three worlds of nature called the world of beings, the world of formation and the world of occasion.

The base of the pagoda is rectangular in shape and the pagoda has four terraces. There are guinea pigs with the single head and double body at the four corners of the lowest terrace. There are eight guinea pigs facing four directions. Each of the second to the fourth terraces has small pagodas at its corner. The entrance cave is in the east and one will reach the perfumed chamber by entering that cave. There is a stone Buddha image sculpted from the single stone in the perfumed chamber and the Buddha image is 12 feet high. There are stone sculptures at the frontage of the cave. The porches at the terraces are decorated with the beautiful stone sculptures. The ordination hall and the prayer hall are in the east of the pagoda. The pagoda and the ordination hall are enclosed with the wall, and the board of trustee takes care of it.

1. Rakhine Touristy Stupas, 2008 by Htay Win
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