Bomb Blast on Train Near Naypyidaw

At least two people died in a bomb blast on a train at Sinthay Railway Station near Burma’s capital of Naypyidaw on Wednesday, according to sources in Naypyidaw.

A police official in Naypyidaw told The Irrawaddy, “A woman and a man died instantly on the spot. Seven others were injured and hospitalized in Naypyidaw-Tatkon.”

An investigation is now being conducted by the police in Naypyidaw.

“Police officers visited the hospital where the injured people are hospitalized and questioned them about the incident,” the police said.

The train originated in Rangoon and was headed to Mandalay.

This is the first bomb blast in Burma since the new government led by President Thein Sein took office in March.

The blast happened on the same day a high ranking US official arrived in Naypyidaw to meet with government officials.
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Arakan Kotawchay

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